Tuesday 12 August 2008

Dave X 6

Where was I, oh yes, 2 cats, 4 chickens, 1 dog and 1 rabbit. Make that 5 cats, 6 chickens, 1 dog and 1 rabbit. 5 cats because one of the cats has produced 3 more, OK, yes they're cute, but now we have 6 altogether, well it will be 3, 2 are going to live with my brother, last I heard they were naming one 'The Vicar' I expect it will bring a smile when visitors are asked not to sit on 'the vicar'. So for the time being, 3 balls of fluff are exercising their claws on my feet and ankles and the two new sofas in the living room.

And 6 chickens I hear you saying, what happened to Dave, Trevor, Pablo and Tango, well they became Dave, x6 Dave because I figured it was easier to call Dave in at bed time than Dave, Trevor, Pablo, Tango etc, and etc. So Dave it is. Its taken a long time to get eggs, but eggs we have, in various shades of brown to cream, with the odd smear of mud I hope, it took them so long to get the hang of it that I started to threaten them with pastry overcoats but they're laying now, nice and steady, sometimes Dave even manages to lay one in the nesting box.

During the wait for chickens to lay, I've been whiling away my days working. Yes, you remember, that job I applied for eons ago, well I've started. I've never worked in a more boring job. The most interesting thing about it is trying to invent new ways of looking busy when 1 of the 3 sisters in charge appears and looks down her nose at the thing who dares enter her line of vision. Yes, we are at the far end, almost the 'on the soul of Sisters boot' end of the pecking order. If we had perches in the staff room, ours would be about 3 foot below the surface, if we were allowed in the staff room, well we're allowed in it, just not allowed to sit in it cause we only work for 5 hours not 6 so we don't get a break, its the law you know.

Things can only look up they say, so hopefully by my next post here I'll have been promoted to paediatric consultant for the unit and sister will be on the bottom of my left croc.