Tuesday 27 October 2009

Is it October already. Lots has happened. Big son has started secondary school and luckily loves it, and I've had my first open studio evening which went remarkably well considering the amount of time and effort I put into advertising it. Must try harder next time. Anyway it went really well and I was really pleased that so many turned up, and enjoyed the evening.

I've got loads of fairs booked for the Christmas season as well as another open evening on the 13th November so I really need to get making because stocks are low. I do find it hard to make beads because I have to though, I have to be filled with inspiration and ideas, I'm not a make beads whatever my mood cause its a job sort.

A very short blog today. I will get back to you on the new ex batts in jumpers that are dancing around the garden. Until then. Cheerio.