Monday 16 February 2009

Good grief, how did we get from August to February. Well an update. Dave x6 is now Dave x3 but soon to become Dave x10 when the new hen house arrives next week. It's an all singing all dancing hen house a sort of penthouse with built in run, they wont know where they are. We're also minus a rabbit since she took herself off one day and didn't come back but are plus 3 pigwigs who are at present living in MY SHED. They are noisy and I can hear them squeeling above the torch. Yes I have done some torching lately, despite the cleaning out of pig wigs and chickens and feeding cats and dogs.

I've almost finished my new collection, I need to hurry as I'm supposed to be launching it next week in conjunction with a visit to a lovely friend in the Welsh Valleys, Daffodil is her name. I've got my kiln now I'm saving for a big girls torch so I can make bigger and bigger beads. I even cleared out the shed to day and I've sorted loads of craft stuff out to stick on ebay to help with funds. I've crossed a bridge with the jewellery, its all mine now, no brought in beads and mostly on sterling silver too. All my own work, I'm very proud of that.

Well this is a boring old entry, nothing much to tell really, suprising since its been 6 months since the last one. I'm also 43 now, I'm at the top of the hill and I'm going to have one hell of a slide on the way down, whooping all the way.

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