Monday, 16 June 2008

Dave, Trevor, Pablo and Tango.

Someone slap me, quick. Why am I getting chickens, isn't 1 dog, 2 cats, and 1 rabbit enough to be going on with, what do I need with chickens. Well eggs I suppose, and good manure, and, pets for the children. And more work, and running up the garden in the pouring rain and snow and cold to feed and water and collect eggs and clean out, ok wheres that slap, give it to me now before it's too late.

I've built almost 2 runs this week. I'm trying to do this on the cheap, 'cheap' get it. I know I've got some wood in the garage, someone gave it to me for a bonfire and it was new wood, much to good for a bonfire so I saved it, was going to build a one of those hexaganol things you sit under to take tea. Anyway I found 2 pieces, retrieved the other two piece I'd nailed together to make a clothes prop and an old picnic table the kids had when they were small er. got half way through and decided that the wood was too rotten and wasn't going to last a sparrow landing on it let alone a chicken being chased by a dog.

Off to B&Q for some more and find a bundle of 8 sticks 6 foot long. That'll do, it'll have to do at that price. Have you seen the price of chicken wire, I need £30 worth for this chicken run, when did chicken wire get so expensive, ever since I decided to keep chickens I bet. Anyway, back home and we set about building the run again, I think it will be ok this time, we've run out of screws, so another trip back to B&Q.

I've ordered the chickens, 4 brown ones who I'm assured love children and like company, shame cause Dave, Trevor, Pablo and Tango, (don't ask) will be down the bottom of the garden on their own. They're coming home on Monday. I have till Monday to change me mind, see sense and get lynched by the kids if I change my mind. So Monday it is. Omlette anyone.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

43 Seconds of Fame

Well thats it, I've done it, does that mean I'm famous, does it mean that I can put as heard on LBC. I hadn't intended it to be an advertising excersise, not really, I just thought people might be interested in what I do in my shed so I told them, on LBC radio yesterday. The subject, 'Can a shed keep your marriage happy', or something like that. Well mine keeps me happy and if I'm happy, well you know the rest.....

So anyway, there I am sitting at my desk, wiring beads onto a charm bracelet when my hand lifts the phone. I know the number, its written on the shed wall, Abbie phoned up once to cry at one of the producers for slamming cat lovers. She didn't get as far as the presenter, I think the girl answering the phone probably thought it was more than her jobs worth. So I ring up and this girl answers, and said she'd ring me back.

She wont ring me back, she never does, I mean she didn't last time when Abbie rang in tears about the cat hater presenter. Its half past three. The kids will be home soon, if she's going to ring she needs to ring now or I'll be speaking to her and the door bell will ring and the dog will start raving, she'll say she can't hear me and I'll get passed over. Open the door, thats it, then they wont have to ring the doorbell and the dog will only bark his hello a little bit. I can be upstairs, shut myself in the bedroom, then it will only be a muffled bark.

I need to go down to the shed, when the kids get in we've got to go to the post office and I need to pack some stuff up to post off. If I go down the shed, I can't answer the phone down there cause the reception isn't good and I'll get cut off. I'll run down there holding the phone then if it rings I can run back and answer it where the reception is good. I do that, grab padded envelopes and run back. Oh gawd, if she rings now I'll not be able to talk to her, she'll think I'm having an asthmatic attack and call me an ambulance and how will I explain it to them. Deep breaths and a glass of water, thats it, OOh got my breath back now. Better not drink too much don't want to be sitting on the loo chatting to her. Can people actually tell you're sitting on the loo when you're on the phone talking to them, must test that out one day. 'Hello, its me, yes me, where do you think I am, yes dear, yes, I'm in the toilet, can you tell'

The phone rings, 'Hello, yes I'll hold, yes I'll turn the radio off, yes thank you' Ages, sitting there, while Bert in South Ham is telling her about his potting shed, he's had it for 47 years, the year after they married, when the first baby came along. Did they have any more? yes they had 14 more. He didn't stay in his potting shed all the time then ha ha. The travel news, then it's me. A short introduction and there I am, I'm on. Jeni Barnett is lovely, she asked lovely questions and made me feel like I was chatting to a friend, she asked me how you make beads, I giggle, did I giggle too much, and then she asked me, whats the name of my business, YES!!! I give her the address as clearly as I can, and then she launches into raptures of joy as she looks at the site and tells London how lovely it is and what beautiful beads. In fact she thinks its so lovely she's putting it on the LBC website, Fabulous. Did I say thank you, too many times. I can't tell you what I said or what she said exactly, cause I can't exactly remember.

And there it is, the link on the 'Blast I missed it' page on LBC Radio. So does that mean I can put as featured on LBC Radio on the site then. ha ha. I'll send Jeni a piece then you never know I might get another mention. lol.

Monday, 9 June 2008

Rabbits with Pastry Overcoats.

Well how bad is this, yes I know its Monday the 9th of June. Where have I been you may ask, the honest truth is, I just don't know. I don't know where the time goes. I do know that the more time that goes by the less I seem to achieve.

We have a new member of the family. I didn't intend adding to our number it sort of happened. Lunch with a friend, bit of glass melting, bit of putting the world to rights and I am driving back down the A217 with a car stuffed with a run a hutch and Fluffy Bunz. This'll suprise the kids, I only got it for the kids, can I manage to get home with enough time to unload it all from the car, screw it together and install the dark chocolate brown lump of fluff before they arrive. Being stuck behind the 154 half way home doens't help matter but as I pulled up outside I have 15 minutes to complete my task. I take Fluffy Bunz into the shade in the pet carrier and then do 4 trips to the car watching each time for any sign of the kids coming down the road. Lock the gate, they can't get in now, I'm only doing this for them. I grab a trusty table knife to use as a screw driver. I used to have a screw driver, a pink handled one, in fact I had a whole pink tool kit, I still have the carry case, with a pink handled craft knife inside, nothing else, everything els had gone to far flung (or chucked) corners of the house or garden or garage. I thought I'd be safe with a pink set, the PS would never want to be seen at work with a pink handled hammer, or a pink screwdriver and tape measure, but they've gone, all but this singular craft knife with the wobbly blade, I expect thats why its still in there.

Anyway, I start to screw this pen together and its only an hour since we took it apart and can I remember what went where, it becomes reminicent of something off of the Generation Game only my dad isn't there helping me. I finally get it half put together, it will do, I can tighten those screws up later. In with the hutch and in with the rabbit. I'm just returning to the car for the roof and a bag of rabbit dinner and the children appear. Can't let them see the rabbit dinner, hide it quick, it'll spoil the suprise. I leave the lid to the hutch in the car and walk to the garden gate and wait for them to arrive. We go into the house and they both rush for water to quench their walking home from school thirst. So how do I get them to go down the garden and come upon the rabbit. They want to watch TV they dont' want to go down the garden, I'm urging them to go play, I've just spent the last 15 minutes looking like a contestant on the Krypton Factor and the man next door is re-assured that I do suffer from some manic condition. In the end I send Joe down for a loaf of bread from the freezer in the garage and he has to walk past, I'm standing by the back door holding my breath waiting for him to find the rabbit. He walks past it, blind to it. Fifteen bloody minutes, I'm standing there looking like a beetroot, sweat pouring off me, blood pressure raised from rushing around and he walks past it. 'What' is his reply to the look on my face.

Abbie found her, Abbie cried with joy and thanks that she'd finally got a rabbit, shame it wasn't a white one but it was a rabbit. The lovely rabbit has settled in well, ignores the dog after his initial scurries into his hutch and safety and seems quite happy. So far the children have fed her every morning, and she's been cleaned out at the weekend. Not sure how long it will last but she's certainly getting plenty of attention right now. I've them if they don't keep it up she'll end up wearing a pastry overcoat.

So whats next....... chickens, Mmmm now theres a thought.